Resources and ideas for making EngageNY/Eureka Math even better. Games, differentiation, online activities, etc.
3rd grade |
Multiplication Fact FluencyUse this Blendspace as a fun way to | |
PolyupA free and open computational thinking playground. Modify expressions, functions, and algorithms to discover the beauty of math. Awesome for grades 1 through 12. | ||
ProdigyAn engaging and adaptive way for students to practice mathematics in Grades 1 through 8. Has some great reporting tools. Completely free. | ||
Thinking BlocksThinking Blocks is an interactive tool that helps students model math word problems. Ideal for Grades 1 through 6. Students learn how to create TAPE DIAGRAMS to solve word problems. This resource is a must for every teacher. Link to the site: Addition and Subtraction (Grades 1 and 2) Addition and Subtraction (Grades 2 and 3) Multiplication and Division (Grades 3 - 5) Ratios and Proportions (Grades 6 and 7)
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Virtual ManipulativesA list of virtual manipulatives: web-based apps or apps for the iPad. Or BOTH! | |
XtraMath.orgThis is a free website. Teachers create an account and enter their students. Students then practice their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division) with progress reports emailed to the teacher. What fluencies are required at each grade? Click here. | |
YouCubed.orgAwesome tasks inspire, educate and empower students to solve very interesting math problems. "Low floor-High ceiling" problems that all students can do! | |
ZearnZearn: dynamic digital lessons to learn and love math. Matches Eureka Math (grades 2, 3, and 4 only) almost exactly. This is essentially an interactive online version of the lessons int he teacher edition. Teachers and students love this site! Click here for ideas on how to structure your math time. | |