Resources and ideas for making EngageNY/Eureka Math even better. Games, differentiation, online activities, etc.
A |
Alcumus: The Art of Problem SolvingAlcumus is specifically designed to provide high-performing students with a challenging curriculum appropriate to their abilities. Many of the problems are from major national math competitions such as MATHCOUNTS, MOEMS, the American Mathematics Competitions, and the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing competitions. As the student gets stronger, Alcumus automatically provides more challenging material, and conversely, if the student is having difficulty with a particular topic, Alcumus provides additional practice. | |
Annenberg LearnerA great resource that provides online professional development for teachers interested in improving their craft. Lots of great ideas for the classroom. | |
Array Model of Multiplication This is a great blog entry showing how to explain (and use) the array model of the multiplication facts. | |
Assessing Basic Fact FluencyThis is a great article to get teachers thinking reflectively on fact fluency, how they thing of it, and how best to achieve it with our students. Please read this! | |
C |
Carroll County Public Schools Find your grade level on the left. Then click on the topic you want to teach. Browse through the numerous cool resources they have found for you! | |
Computational Fluency SystemThis technique can be used at any grade level with any of the four operations. Easy-to-make fact fluency cards using 3x5 index cards and Avery labels. | |
CPM Virtual Algebra tiles | ||
D |
Didax collection of virtual manipulatives | ||
DreamBox virtual manipulativesYou don't need to buy DreamBox to use their virtual manipulatives. These virtual manipulatives can be used in large- or small-group instructional settings with your interactive white board or projector, or on computers. | |
E |
EngageNY Washington State Math Users GroupA community of educators committed to improving math instruction and assessment to help students meet the Common Core Challenge through the use of EngageNY/Eureka Math. | |
Enrichment for 1st and 2nd grade mathematicsAre you a 1st or 2nd grade teacher needing to enrich your curriculum? Need a little something extra to bring a particular standard to life? Try something from this list... | |
Enrichment for 3rd and 4th gradeAre you a 3rd or 4th grade teacher needing to enrich your curriculum? Need a little something extra to bring a particular standard to life? Try something from this list... | |
Enrichment for 5th gradeAre you a 5th grade teacher needing to enrich your curriculum? Need a little something extra to bring a particular standard to life? Try something from this list... | |
F |
Fact fluency for Addition & SubtractionStudents must first conceptually understand the fact strategies (doubles, doubles plus one, combinations of ten, etc) BEFORE focusing on fluency and speed. Once the strategies are firmly in place, students can then begin to focus on fluency and speed. | |
Fact MonsterStudents practice their fact fluency for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using this online webtool. | |
Five steps for eliminating math anxiety | |
Fluency WITHOUT timed testsA thought provoking idea: Using games to build conceptual understanding and mathematical fluency. | |
Freckle Math - differentiated math instructionCommon Core-aligned online math practice for K-8. This is not aligned specifically to Eureka Math, but it is aligned to CCSS. | |
Fun4TheBrain | |